鯤鵬志,浩達智 | 浩達智能即將重磅登場2024德魯巴印刷展
2024-04-15 23:24 來源:CPP114印刷包裝網 責編:張曉丹
- 摘要:
- 闊別八載,德魯巴印刷展(drupa 2024)即將震撼啟幕,你已經準備好迎接這場印刷界的奧林匹克了嗎?
Kunpeng Intelligence, Horda Intelligence
The theme of this exhibition for Horda Intelligence is "KunpengIntelligence, Horda Intelligence". We help customers easily cope with future production changes and develop into industry leaders by sharing high-end cover machine technology and innovative solutions.
先秦|莊周 《逍遙游》有云:“北冥有魚,其名為鯤。鯤之大,不知其幾千里也;化而為鳥,其名為鵬。鵬之背,不知其幾千里也;怒而飛,其翼若垂天之云......鵬之徙于南冥也,水擊三千里,摶扶搖而上者九萬里,去以六月息者也。”
Mr. Zhuang Zhou once said in his books: "There is a fish in the northern underworld, named Kun. Kun is so big that it is unknown for thousands of miles; when it transforms into a bird, it is named Peng. The back of the Peng is unknown for thousands of miles; when it flies in anger, its wings are like clouds hanging in the sky... Peng migrates to the southern underworld, hitting three thousand miles with water, and when it reaches 90000 miles with its hands and hands, it rests in June."
What is the "Kunpeng Intelligence" in mythology? Is it the aura of wings hanging like clouds in the sky, the aura of water hitting three thousand miles and ready to unleash, or the aura of rolling up 90000 miles? Kunpeng Intelligence, born in all things; Horda Intelligence, connected to all corners of the world. When traditional Chinese culture is integrated with modern intelligent devices, and Chinese manufacturing intersects with international events, I believe you can find vivid and exciting answers at Hall 11, Booth B50 of Horda's Drupa booth.
Now, all preparations are nearing completion, and the giant ship carrying multiple high-endcase making machines from Horda has departed and will soon arrive at the port of Dusseldorf, Germany.
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